M5 Color-coded Eating
Our bodies were designed needing food and fluids to stay alive. Providing the body with the nutrients it needs and when it needs them is what nutrition is all about. We now know that calories are the amount of energy in food--we get our calories from three main groups called macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
Foods are not always one macronutrient; they can be multiple. Those that contain more than more are usually classified as the one they contain the most of. No group is better or more important than another; they are all different and contribute to your overall health in different ways. There are many fad diets that demonize one macronutrient over another, but the key is to have them at certain times and within moderation (portions).
Carbohydrates are the body's preferred FUEL or energy source.
Without carbohydrates your metabolism will slow down, your brain will not be able to function properly and you will not perform at optimal levels. It is important to eat healthy, nutritious carbohydrates versus processed and refined ones.
There are two different types of carbohydrates: simple sugars which are broken down and used quickly and complex carbohydrates which provide the body with good energy, nutrients and fiber, helping you feel full longer, your heart healthy, and intestines clean.
Proteins are made up of amino acids that your body uses to BUILD, MAINTAIN and REPAIR tissues in your body.
Some protein sources are naturally leaner (low in fat) and some are fattier (high in fat), so the timing of when you eat them or the amount or portion of them may differ.
Fats, specifically healthy (unprocessed/good quality) fats HEAL the body.
Healthy fats help you your hormones and are vital for optimal Metabolic Efficiency. Not all fats are created equal; processed, unhealthy fats are one of the worst foods to put into your body and can also hinder your overall health and well-being. Make sure to add fats to your diet that come from the earth and are minimally processed.
Breakfast (Carbs + Protein + Fat)
Portion control can be a major obstacle; most of us do not even know what a general portion of food is without looking at a nutrition label, and even then struggle. The absolute best way to find out how much of a food you are eating is to use measuring cups, spoons or a scale on the foods you regularly eat or are going to be adding to your diet to learn and become aware of the proper portions. Use your coach as a tool to learn how much of a certain food you should be eating or if you have any specific questions.